Doctors have yet to discover the causes of infant colic, described as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby. A fussy, crying, colicky baby is inconsolable, and the crying is not due to hunger or pain. Medical experts define colic as crying lasting more than 3 hours a day, 3 times a week. A baby may establish a daily pattern of crying, such as early morning or evening. For new parents, this situation can be extremely frustrating. The condition affects up to 20% of newborns.
Colic Causes
So far the real cause for Colic is remains unknown & mystery/puzzle to medical world…!!! Some researchers speculate colic may originate in a baby’s intestines and others believe the cause may be environmental. For several years, mothers believed certain milk formulas were the cause of colic. Recent evidence suggests avoidance of cow's milk for certain infants. Switching to a whey hydrolysate formula may prevent the formation of colic.
Colic Symptoms
Crying usually begins suddenly. The baby also may do one of the following:
* Arch its back
* Extend its legs
* Clench its fists
* Redden its face
* Belch or spit up excessively after feeding, which may relieve symptoms
* Pass gas
* Have difficulty passing stools
* Starts crying soon after feeding around the routine crying cycle time and inconsolable cry.
* Repeats the cycle of crying with somewhat same timings or pattern almost everyday starting from around 3 weeks of age. For example everyday starts crying almost around 7.00 PM.
When to Seek Medical Care
When to Seek Medical Care
If the baby’s symptoms suggest other causes, such as fever or excessive sleepiness, seek medical attention. You should also see a doctor if the excessive crying causes you or other family members extreme frustration and anger. Colic in itself is not a medical emergency. Colic is a diagnosis made when all other causes are ruled out. If you suspect other conditions may be causing irritability and pain in your infant, go immediately to a hospital's emergency department.
Colic Treatment
Colic Treatment
Self-Care at Home
There are no sure-fire treatments, but you may try the following:
* Use a pacifier.
* Gently rock the infant using a rocking chair or lap.
* Softly massage the infant’s abdomen or back.
* Play relaxing music (even if it works just for the parent!).
* Change the baby's diet and feeding techniques. Breastfed babies may benefit if the mother avoids dairy products, especially if prone to allergies, or resort to a hypoallergenic diet. Other suggestions include eliminating spicy foods, raw vegetables, and caffeine.
* Try an alternative to milk-based formulas. Recent studies suggest that switching from milk-based formulas may lessen the incidence of colic.
* Whey-based formulas, such as Carnation Good Start, contain already broken-down proteins that may be more easily digestible.
* Soy-based formulas, such as Isomil and Enfamil ProSobee, may decrease the duration of colic symptoms.
* Hypoallergenic formulas, such as Enfamil Nutramigen and Alimentum, are thought to reduce colic symptoms in bottle-fed babies. They are more expensive than other formulas.
Things worked for me:
* Gently swing baby using Infant Car Seat
* Take Infant for a short drive
* Switch on Vacuum cleaner to divert baby’s attention from non-stop cry.
* Give gripe water
* Massage around Belly Button area.
* Walk with baby or dance or make noise bit louder (if possible) to divert baby’s attention.
* Avoid feeding during the routine Colic attack cycle time.
* If nothing works leave baby to cry for about 10 -15 minute to get tired. Parents can keep ear bud during that time.
* If possible have a third person (friend/relative) apart from parents as helping hand or for rotation of hands for managing crying/fussy baby.
* Ensure a quiet, non-stimulating environment when colic begins.
* Most & utmost important tool is “Patience”, “Patience” and “Patience”…!!!!
* Use Calendar and start count down daily, the days left to reach “Magic 90th day” as mostly colic vanish suddenly by 3rd Month of baby’s age.
Medical Treatment (*Please Consult your Doctor before you try any one of them & DO NOT TRY Until & Unless Dr. tell you to do so)
Medical Treatment (*Please Consult your Doctor before you try any one of them & DO NOT TRY Until & Unless Dr. tell you to do so)
Treatment often entails reassurance by the doctor. The doctor also may recommend these treatments:
* Simethicone drops (Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, Phazyme) may relieve gas.
* Doctor may also prescribe Zantac drop for infant (for my baby Dr. prescribed the same and helped for couple of weeks)
In Nut shell:
In Nut shell:
Although colic can be a frightening experience for new parents, it is not a dangerous condition for your child. An infant often will outgrow the condition after age 3 months, usually with no permanent problems. Key and important thing is parents need to have is Patience, mutual understanding, sharing workload, eat well, sleep during all available opportunities, reserve energy/time to cope with the day’s colic attack cycle with proper planning of other activities, think positive as it is not a disease or permanent problem and it is only for JUST 3 months. Once after 3 months you are going to have lots of fun & joy with your little one, give your baby tons of love & affection as it is your future light….!!!!
Our experience with daughter Sunidhi’s colic, me & my wife is one step closer in getting CMP Certification….!!! Yes, you guessed it right; it is certified Child Management Professionals (CMP) degree from the Institute of New Born Management, a subsidiary of Global Parenting Academy formed by the Great Mother Gandhari (Mother of 101 Kaurava’s) of Mahabhartha era..!!! Imagine how difficulty the great mother Gandhari might of undergone in managing 101 Kaurava’s with blindfolded her eyes & blind husband Drtharashtra. I think she may be the greatest Mother ever this Earth seen so far, my salute her, especially for the level of Patience she might have had while managing those 101 Kaurava's…really she is the Great Mother…!!!
See you in next Posting......
श्री ...
Disclaimer: This Blog may contain contents from other internet sites & all rights reserved with the respective site owners/authors. In this blog, I have just put together or re-arranged and added my experiences.
1 comment:
good documentation..you can send this to any parenting related websites.
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