This is Story of my Little Angel Sunidhi's Birth:
I am currently staying at Seattle, Washington, USA with my wife Archana. Basically from India ( Muniyoor House, Kumbdaje Post, Kasaragod Dist, Kerala). My rest of the family stays in India except eldest brother/family who is at Brunei.
On 14th Dec 2006, it was routine Dr. visit for my wife who was expecting a baby. Her due date was Dec 21st 2006. On 14th Dec. Dr did routine check-up, ultrasound scan and advised us to go for C-section based on the analysis, baby size etc. Dr. also scheduled C-section for Dec 19th 2006.
Both of us came back home about 4.30 PM after Dr. Visit, made couple of calls to friends, India - talk to family. Informed family about the C-section, schedule i.e Dec. 19th etc. Family felt Dec. 19th was not an auspicious day and suggestions came to change the C-Section day to 18th Dec etc. So both of us getting bit nerves and tensed as, Dr. will be flexible enough to do the operation a day before the schedule? etc. By then it was about 8.00 PM & we finally decided that next day first in the morning, will call the Dr. and request them to pre-pone the C-section to Dec 18th. Then we started cooking in the night and meanwhile we also heard in the TV about possibility of getting slight storm on that night around Seattle. About 8.30 PM, slight wind started blowing and gradually picked up step by step. Finally I believe around 9.30 PM power went off. We thought power will resume back and holding on to complete cooking for dinner. Here in USA, no power means; no food, no cooking, no drinking water, no traffic signal or no shops & it is kind of starving to death as all basic essential things to keep life up will be stopped. More over it is winter time here, cold in the house was picking up minute by minute as heater was gone due to power failure. As time passed, the storm started roaring with full swing, fortunately we had little cooked rice left out for my Wife. She had the rice with curd and we were sitting in the center of hall with out light (not even candle as we are so tuned to US luxury of non-stop power supply, unlike India). We could see from the window, the near by trees bending like Archery and making breaking noise. Both of us were very frightened as it is almost 2 hours passed with out power, heavy storm and house became almost chilly (room temperature about 30 F degree), gradually started shivering too. Then we lost hope of getting power back as storm is continuing uninterruptedly and we decided to take little nap in center of hall (instead of bedroom as near by bedroom there are lots of trees). With great difficulty my wife was able to lie down in the chilling floor with 2-3 blankets by about 11.00 PM. Both of us were talking and shivering for about two hours and unable to sleep while wind continued to roar. By about 1.00 AM (mid-night) it was extreme cold inside the house and wife felt something going wrong with her. So she got up and slowly in the dark went to rest room. She called and told me that something wrong is going on with her and may be her water broke.
It was pitch dark, can’t see anything. Then we remembered about year back we had purchased one very small pen torch cum electric tester. So I struggled & pulled everything down, finally was able to get hold of the “Savior” Pen Torch… !!!Fortunately my mobile phone had enough charge to make call to hospital as due to too much advanced my land phone set, can’t function without electricity..!!! I called the hospital and they asked me to get her soon. Somehow my Wife got little dressed up in the dark and in empty hand with little savior pen torch we came out of our house. It was pitch black in the apartment complex and managed to reach up to the elevator. Then realized that even elevator can’t function with out power….so we have to use the ever reliable olden stairs. Both of us somehow managed to comedown 3 floors using stairs and came out of apartment complex where I parked my car. Believe me or not, the storm was blowing & roaring more than 70 Miles/hr that time. With the great risk, as no other options, I took the car and started driving my wife to hospital. It was about 5 miles drive took more than 30 minutes (normal days it is 5 minute drive). While driving happen to see many trees, sign boards flying in the air or fallen on the road. With the grace of god, both of us reached hospital safe by 2.00 AM in the night and entered through emergency care.
Night duty Dr. (American Lady) who also did her research in India (Kerala – Trivandrum) examined my wife in brief and took inside to Operation Theater. Advantage in USA, even husband can accompany wife and sit next to her while operations is progressing. It is 4.30 AM, Dec 15th 2006, Dr. brought out a little Angel and pronounced “It is a Baby Girl” ….!!! We named the little angel as “Sunidhi” and she was weighing 8.1 Lb & length 20 inch when she stepped in to this new world. Nurse handed over baby Sunidhi to me while Archana’s rest of the C-section work was going on. It was the happiest moment of the night after going thorough all such trauma of power failure, cold, storm etc. Surprisingly or coincidence Storm stopped approximately the same time Sunidhi stepped in to this world and Dr. made an announcement that Sunidhi came to this World to stop the roaring Storm and called her Pumpkin as she was glittering with pink color...!!! Also entire Seattle was declared with holiday due to storm impact on Dec 15th, 2006 , so other way if you think, Sunidhi’s birth was celebrated by declaring holiday…!!! Mom & baby got discharged from hospital on 17th Dec and when we came back home, power was back everything perfect except the mess I made in the night in search of Savior Pen torch which we cleaned over next couple of weeks. This is the small story of my little angel Sunidhi & we wish her good luck, all the best & god bless her…!!!
On 14th Dec 2006, it was routine Dr. visit for my wife who was expecting a baby. Her due date was Dec 21st 2006. On 14th Dec. Dr did routine check-up, ultrasound scan and advised us to go for C-section based on the analysis, baby size etc. Dr. also scheduled C-section for Dec 19th 2006.
Both of us came back home about 4.30 PM after Dr. Visit, made couple of calls to friends, India - talk to family. Informed family about the C-section, schedule i.e Dec. 19th etc. Family felt Dec. 19th was not an auspicious day and suggestions came to change the C-Section day to 18th Dec etc. So both of us getting bit nerves and tensed as, Dr. will be flexible enough to do the operation a day before the schedule? etc. By then it was about 8.00 PM & we finally decided that next day first in the morning, will call the Dr. and request them to pre-pone the C-section to Dec 18th. Then we started cooking in the night and meanwhile we also heard in the TV about possibility of getting slight storm on that night around Seattle. About 8.30 PM, slight wind started blowing and gradually picked up step by step. Finally I believe around 9.30 PM power went off. We thought power will resume back and holding on to complete cooking for dinner. Here in USA, no power means; no food, no cooking, no drinking water, no traffic signal or no shops & it is kind of starving to death as all basic essential things to keep life up will be stopped. More over it is winter time here, cold in the house was picking up minute by minute as heater was gone due to power failure. As time passed, the storm started roaring with full swing, fortunately we had little cooked rice left out for my Wife. She had the rice with curd and we were sitting in the center of hall with out light (not even candle as we are so tuned to US luxury of non-stop power supply, unlike India). We could see from the window, the near by trees bending like Archery and making breaking noise. Both of us were very frightened as it is almost 2 hours passed with out power, heavy storm and house became almost chilly (room temperature about 30 F degree), gradually started shivering too. Then we lost hope of getting power back as storm is continuing uninterruptedly and we decided to take little nap in center of hall (instead of bedroom as near by bedroom there are lots of trees). With great difficulty my wife was able to lie down in the chilling floor with 2-3 blankets by about 11.00 PM. Both of us were talking and shivering for about two hours and unable to sleep while wind continued to roar. By about 1.00 AM (mid-night) it was extreme cold inside the house and wife felt something going wrong with her. So she got up and slowly in the dark went to rest room. She called and told me that something wrong is going on with her and may be her water broke.
It was pitch dark, can’t see anything. Then we remembered about year back we had purchased one very small pen torch cum electric tester. So I struggled & pulled everything down, finally was able to get hold of the “Savior” Pen Torch… !!!Fortunately my mobile phone had enough charge to make call to hospital as due to too much advanced my land phone set, can’t function without electricity..!!! I called the hospital and they asked me to get her soon. Somehow my Wife got little dressed up in the dark and in empty hand with little savior pen torch we came out of our house. It was pitch black in the apartment complex and managed to reach up to the elevator. Then realized that even elevator can’t function with out power….so we have to use the ever reliable olden stairs. Both of us somehow managed to comedown 3 floors using stairs and came out of apartment complex where I parked my car. Believe me or not, the storm was blowing & roaring more than 70 Miles/hr that time. With the great risk, as no other options, I took the car and started driving my wife to hospital. It was about 5 miles drive took more than 30 minutes (normal days it is 5 minute drive). While driving happen to see many trees, sign boards flying in the air or fallen on the road. With the grace of god, both of us reached hospital safe by 2.00 AM in the night and entered through emergency care.
Night duty Dr. (American Lady) who also did her research in India (Kerala – Trivandrum) examined my wife in brief and took inside to Operation Theater. Advantage in USA, even husband can accompany wife and sit next to her while operations is progressing. It is 4.30 AM, Dec 15th 2006, Dr. brought out a little Angel and pronounced “It is a Baby Girl” ….!!! We named the little angel as “Sunidhi” and she was weighing 8.1 Lb & length 20 inch when she stepped in to this new world. Nurse handed over baby Sunidhi to me while Archana’s rest of the C-section work was going on. It was the happiest moment of the night after going thorough all such trauma of power failure, cold, storm etc. Surprisingly or coincidence Storm stopped approximately the same time Sunidhi stepped in to this world and Dr. made an announcement that Sunidhi came to this World to stop the roaring Storm and called her Pumpkin as she was glittering with pink color...!!! Also entire Seattle was declared with holiday due to storm impact on Dec 15th, 2006 , so other way if you think, Sunidhi’s birth was celebrated by declaring holiday…!!! Mom & baby got discharged from hospital on 17th Dec and when we came back home, power was back everything perfect except the mess I made in the night in search of Savior Pen torch which we cleaned over next couple of weeks. This is the small story of my little angel Sunidhi & we wish her good luck, all the best & god bless her…!!!
Today Sunidhi is 5 months old and became very naughty.........!!!
Here you have few Video Clippings of Baby Sunidhi..........!!!
Sunidhi Playing Kukee-a-bhaa (Peek-a-bhoo):
Here you have few Video Clippings of Baby Sunidhi..........!!!
Sunidhi Playing Kukee-a-bhaa (Peek-a-bhoo):
Sunidhi Laughing:
Sunidhi Imitating Voice:
Sunidhi the Naughty:
Sunidhi Imitating Voice:
Sunidhi the Naughty:
Sunidhi Playing in Water:
Thanks & See you in Next Posting....